Modernization & Development

Director of Modernization & Development
Housing Authority of the City of Camden
2021 Watson Street – 2nd Floor
Camden, NJ 08105

Telephone: (856) 968-2766
Fax Number: (856) 861-1275

Staff Listing

Shanae Scruggs
Program Manager
Telephone: (856) 968-6126

Wynfield Anderson
Construction Manager
Telephone: (856) 968-2729

Our Goal

The Department of is funded through the Capital Fund Program (CFP) from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). The mission of the department is to maintain and provide any capital improvements to the Housing Authority of the City of Camden’s public housing developments. The department also handles development, real estate transactions. The department uses the physical needs assessments (PNA) to guide capital improvement projects and works with the Agency’s plan.

Department Functions

• Procure and manage contracts for various projects throughout HACC developments

• Coordinate and manage all HOPE VI activities required in the HUD Grant Agreements

• Coordinate and manage all modernization activities at all HACC developments sites.

• Solicit and select and manage professionals for various aspects of development activities required for Modernization/HOPE VI Projects.

• Monitor and prepare all invoices for payments by the Finance Dept.

• Plan for and assist in HACC’s asset management plan for all of its privately managed sites, especially as it relates to the physical needs improvements of the sites.

• Financial management of Capital Funds and HOPE VI Funds and to optimized these funds to achieve HACC’s objectives

• Communicate with residents and HACC management about HACC”s Modernization and HOPE VI Activities.

Project Listing